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Tomorrow's Tech Generation: CSEdWeek and the Hour of Code

CSEdWeek (Computer Science Education Week) is an annual event dedicated to  inspiring students to take an interest in this field and raising awareness about the significance of learning computer science, computational thinking, and digital skills in today's world. 

The "Hour of Code," is CSEdWeek's central initiatives toward a wider global movement. The initiative encourages students of all ages to spend at least one hour learning the basics of computer programming and coding. The aim is to make computer science more accessible and engaging, fostering interest and participation in technology-related fields.

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Tekniverse's commitment to CSEdWeek's Hour of Code is exemplified through our innovative code builder. During this pivotal week, Tekniverse stands as a strong advocate for promoting computational thinking and coding skills among learners of all ages. Click Here to learn more!

Throughout CSEdWeek, various educational institutions, organizations, and individuals conduct workshops, coding activities, events, and challenges to introduce students to computer science concepts. The overarching goal is to promote inclusivity and diversity in computer science education and to equip learners with the skills needed for the increasingly digital and technology-driven future.


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